While navigating cancer, divorce, job loss, and a faith transition, I discovered the healing power of Mother Nature.

Nature serves as a profound metaphor for discovering truth & awareness. When we allow the natural world to become our guide, we remember our innate connection to all living things.

When we immerse ourselves in the natural world, we witness the effortless flow of life. We observe how a flower blooms at the perfect time, how the wind whispers through the leaves, and how the seasons transition seamlessly. Nature invites us to embrace the beauty of impermanence, teaching us to find harmony amidst change.

As we embark on this transformative journey together, I believe that connecting with the grounding power of nature is essential. Just as a tree stands firmly rooted, drawing nourishment from the earth, our meditation and yoga practices can ground us in the present moment, anchoring us in the here and now.

In our yoga therapy sessions, I weave together elements of nature through visualizations, connecting you to your Inner Resource or Inner Sanctuary. We may draw inspiration from the stability of a mountain pose, embodying the strength and resilience of the majestic peaks. We may explore the fluidity of a river in our movements, allowing our bodies to flow and surrender to the currents of breath.

In the meditation garden of the mind, we invite the elements of nature to guide us. The gentle rustling of leaves becomes a soothing symphony, leading us into deep relaxation. The warmth of sunlight touching our skin reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living beings. The fragrance of flowers heightens our senses, awakening a deeper appreciation for the sweetness of life.

As we integrate nature into our practices, we find ourselves grounded, supported, and connected. Nature becomes a silent companion, mirroring our own journey of self-exploration and transformation; teaching us to be fully present, and to embrace the ever-changing dance of life.

Discovering the healing power of the breath, feeling the rhythm of nature within, this is Native Breath.

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